Nickel for accountants & bookkeepers

Built for books

Spend less time on double-entry and reconciliation—payments automatically update invoices and bills in QuickBooks Online.
No hidden costs, no hidden fees. Get started for free.
Get unlimited free ACH / eCheck and 2.9% on card processing fees.
Clients save $25K a year on payment processing
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Why accountants choose Nickel

Nickel gives you the tools to manage invoices and bills seamlessly, saving you hours in reconciliation and eliminating dual data entry.

Open Account

Client management made simple

Manage all of your clients payments and bills by simply connecting to QuickBooks. Nickel makes it easy for a single bookkeeper to handle thousands of transactions.

No more chasing down customers for payments

Customers can pay you or your clients via a link that is connected to a QuickBooks invoice. Get notified when a customer makes a payment, and send reminders seamlessly.

Offer a premium experience

Nickel's industry-leading payments flow allows customers to complete a payment in as little as thirty seconds. Give your customers all of the information they need to pay you no matter how complex the deal.

"Nickel is so easy and reliable. I have clients sending and receiving $250K payments at one time"

Judy M
Owner, Chicago Based Accounting Firm

Earn cash and revenue share rewards for every client

We offer rewards for every new client your bring to our platform. The more you and your clients use Nickel, the more you earn.
Cash reward per approved client
One-time reward per client
One-time cash reward for $1M in total transactions per client
One-time reward per client
Transaction revenue share
1 bps
On every dollar your client transacts on Nickel. The more they use Nickel, the more you earn
Free Nickel Pro for your firm
Set up a Nickel account for your firm, free of charge
Dedicated Account Manager
Dedicated customer support that responds to your emails and calls within 60 minutes

Frequently asked questions

How do I get started?
Simply sign up to join the Partner Program and our team will reach out to set up a 15 minute call
Which clients qualify for Nickel and rewards?
All your clients can qualify and be approved for a Nickel account
How long does the revenue sharing last?
Revenue sharing is ongoing and expires when the business stop being a customer of Nickel or your firm
When do I receive the rewards?
Cash rewards are paid out immediate after the qualifying event and revenue sharing is paid out at the end of every quarter